Sunday, January 12, 2014

Live Webcams?

Abi came down from Uppsala for the night! Tanner, Kate, Abi, and I ate ice cream despite the snow, navigated around Stockholm to find a live webcam so our parents could see us, and grabbed a hot chocolate.
Kate blowing bubbles in Max.



Figuring out how to get to the webcam!

Tanner has an app on his phone which allows you to call numbers in the US for free.
Abi called her mom to tell her about the live webcam.
"Hello! Who is this?"
"Who is this?!"
"Abi, your daughter!"

We found the statue with the warm tummy!

The webcam was somewhere that way

"Hey mom and dad!"



I have come to the conclusion that exchange is just one year full of awkward situations. As we were putting on our jackets about to leave, a group of Swedes waited to take out sits. Somehow my camera ended up in my hot chocolate and I quickly pulled it out with the Swedes just looking at me. To make matters worse after I left and they took their sets, I went back to the table and grabbed some napkins off of it and wiped off my camera. I tried cleaning the table as well where the hot chocolate had splashed however gave up and just ran outside.

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