About Me

Hej. Jag héter....My name is 

McKenzie Blake. I am seventeen years 

old and I am going to Täby, Sweden for 

my Junior year in High School. I will be 

attending Tibble Gymnasium. An

adventure in Sweden awaits me and the

place to see it is here!


  1. Hi McKenzie,
    My daughter is thinking about doing what you have done- moving to Sweden, going to school, living with a host family and skiing for the Taby SLK. I am wondering if I could ask you questions about how you were able to accomplish all of this? Do you have Swedish relatives? Did you speak Swedish before you went?
    I would love to find out more as this would be an amazing opportunity for her, as it seems it was for you!

    1. Hey Amy, I went with the Rotary Youth Exchange program. It sends students oversees for an exchange year. It is a great program. I did not speak Swedish before I went; however, I practiced some basic knowledge of it before I left. If you have anymore questions or just like to hear more of my comments on moving to Sweden and the Rotary Youth Exchange program let me know. I would love to help your daughter!
