
Some Gifs that capture exchange life in Sweden perfectly. Courtesy of Samantha Becknell.

When Somebody Mentions My Name While Speaking Swedish And They Begin Laughing and Looking at Me

McKenzie and I At Tibble Trying To Make Friends

How To Handle Yourself When You Get Your Flight Info Back Home

Me Watching The Olympics

When Being An Exchange Student is Mentally Exhausting


When After Running to Make it To Your Bus On Time, You Actually Make It

If youre a teen you must follow this blog.

True Story:
My subway arrived one minute before my train left. I hauled ass. And made it. Victory.

I’ve been here for almost 2 months…


Doors in Sweden Will Forever Confuse Me

True Story: 
One day after class, I was trying to open the door to leave however was having trouble so I just looked around at the few students left in the classroom and said "Hjälpa! Hjälpa! Hjälpa!". A boy nonchalantly walks towards me and easily opens it. This boy will forever think I am a retarded exchange student from America.

When There is No Chic-Fil-A in Sweden

When I Find Out We’re Having Real Swedish Food for Dinner

When Everyone and Their Mother Went to the Macklemore Concert in Stockholm and You Can’t Seem to Hear the End of it


Swedish School Makes You So Lazy

True Story.

3 Day Weekend in the Summer House!

When You’re Going to Norway This Weekend!

When I Realize I Am Slowly Losing My English Skills, Yet Feel Like I Don’t Know Enough Swedish To Start Losing My English


When the Rotarians Introduce You To Someone in Swedish and You Have No Idea What They’re Saying About You

Back When I Was Waiting For My Guarantee Form…


When the Americans Walk Through Stockholm


When non-American’s try to convince me how American they really are


McKenzie and I’s Reaction to Finding the American Section in Coop

When People Try to Explain a Swedish Word in Swedish to You


When my school friends at lunch begin talking rapidly in Swedish, and I have no idea what they’re talking about


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