Friday, January 10, 2014

Airports and Haircuts

The weekend of goodbyes has began. 

Brooke, Kate, and I went to the airport to say goodbye to Katherine.

Brooke writing her letter to Katherine.

Kate and I can not take a photo with both of us being serious.

We had to do a little repacking.

Kate, Breno, and Katherine's host sister trying to close the overfilled suitcase.

The goodbyes :(

Breno was too tall.

My favorite moment was when Katherine said goodbye to her host sister.

Goodbye Katherine, you will be greatly missed!

Waiting for the train!
Yes, Brooke has dogs on her pants.

Strike a pose.

Train rides home.

I FINALLY GOT A HAIRCUT. For three months I have said I needed a haircut but never got one. Not only have I said I needed a haircut but my father has told me repeatedly which I do not really understand how he can tell because he hasn't seen me in person for five months...


  1. where is the before and after picture of this haircut???

  2. I was reading this backwards, and in pictures from you recent post I thought "Do I detect a haircut?" Here is the proof! Looking good! It's still so long!
