Sunday, April 6, 2014

International Pillow Fight Day

Friday evening I got a notification from Facebook, Emily posted in our exchange student page saying there was an international pillow fight which would take place on Saturday at one. I was pumped!

I arrived a little early so I waited in a cafe for the others to arrive.

Daniel arrived with not such a hidden pillow.

We waited for the signal however we had no idea what it actually was going to be so we thought we should just go start the fight ourselves but before we could a guy flew down the steps, yelling at the top of his lungs, and flinging a pillow. We realized that was the signal.

After suffering from concussions because we got whacked in the head too many time we made our way to Gamla Stan to meet up with the loser exchange students who were too cool to participate in the pillow fight *cough cough* Sam and Paddy.

On our we stopped to watch this awesome street artist

and this restaurant that was advertising.

As everyone else went to eat lunch, Kate and I  runaway to do some errands but ended up in a book store. 

Kate and I finally got found, as I was getting my eyebrows done.

The girls came over to my house to eat food, talk, jump on the trampoline, and cut hair.

Honestly, why do people trust me to cut hair?

William taught Emily to do a flip.

well kind of...