Tuesday, April 29, 2014


I just found photos on my camera from Spring Break when Hika, Kate and I went on an adventure and discovered an amazing swing!

lol @Kathryn

Friday, April 25, 2014


Thank God It's Friday!

"Do I really have to go to school today?"

Even if I had to go to school, I did not do that much work. #ExchangeStudent

Just kidding. I do work. I swear. I am passing all my classes!

How much food can you eat Ludvig?

Fun Fact: Ludvig was my first friend at school. Well kind of, on the first day of school he volunteered to be my buddy and show me around, however he forgot me in the classroom and when the other students asked him where I was he remembered and ran back to get me but I was already gone. Don't worry, I forgive you Ludde!

After school, Kate and Sam came over. We planned on going to Täby Centrum but the sun was calling so we tanned outside or Sam and I tanned as Kate acted like the sun was going to incinerate her.

 We went our separate ways for dinner.

Today's dinner was a great end of the week meal!


Ice Cream!

Gröna Lund

Yesterday, I had the great opportunity to go to Gröna Lund, an amusement park in Stockholm, with nine other exchange students for twenty crowns! Ya'll, that is only about three dollars! This only happened because of the coolest guy with a girl name, Mackenzie! I owe him so much thanks!

The trip to Gröna Lund was short noticed; I was not prepared to leave directly from school and go so I did not have my camera with me. Everyone who went was happy because I was not being annoying taking photos of everything. However, I did snag some pics on my phone and I stole some from the others.

Selfie inside the park!

Cotton candy (or fairy floss if you are Australian) bigger than our head!

Some people were getting hungry so they left to get tacos around seven but Daniel, Elle, and I stayed to ride a couple more rides! The last one we went on was the best experience out of the whole day. Long story short, Daniel hauled butt to the best seats and everyone in line started laughing. Elle and I were on the ground about to pee ourselves!

 I just noticed my blog got hacked during Math class yesterday...I wonder who did that *cough* Kelly *cough* Linda!!!

Monday, April 21, 2014


Easter in Sweden was a little different than Easter in America. I mean first of all there was no sightings of anyone in either Lilly Pulitzer or seersucker all day but don't worry, I got my fix through all the posts on Instagram.

In the morning, Kate made me french toast because lent was finally over!

Look at that sliced white bread.

Sorry, but I started eating before I took a photo.

The weather was great outside so for church Kate and I didn't wear anything on our legs! It was the first time in months. We know our legs are pale; I mean we are living in Sweden where the sun is gone for most of the year so what do you suspect.

Kate really excited for church on the train.
She ain't even Catholic!

Another difference between Swedish Easter and American Easter is church. Kate and I arrived a half an hour early because of the train times. However, in America you need to arrive a half an hour early or more to make sure you get a parking spot and a seat. Also, most Swedes do not attend church even on major holidays so that being said the pews were not filled up.

To pass the time before the service started and before people started showing up, Kate and I explored and found a horse statue to pose with.

Here you go moms, some nice Easter photos of your daughters.

When we got back home, Kate took a nap and I tanned outside. Fast forward three hours, Kate is still napping and I am getting skin cancer.

Kate, Gunilla, and Johan got to meet my parents via skype! Yes, my mom did start crying.

For dinner, we feasted on some fish and eggs to start with then we had ham for the main course.

Kate being a vegetarian dined on some super salty rice.
It was so awful.
She made me try it.

I know I am super cute but I had to share this photo because I legitimately got burnt on only on one side of my right arm, no where else.

After dinner, Kate and I went on a bike ride. Johan mentioned we could bike around the lake which was near the Jöhnemark's which got me thinking...

...if we are going to be near the Jöhnemark's why not stop by and wish them a happy Easter?! However, we didn't want to be rude and interrupt their dinner so we sneaked around the house to see if we could see they were eating.

Kate getting excited because we were back!

They were at the dining room table but we were not sure if they were still eating or not so instead of knocking on the door, we started jumping on the trampoline. It took them awhile to realize we were outside. William was the first one to notice and later Lena told us he said, "McKenzie and Kate are jumping on the trampoline right now!". No one believed him and he replied with, "You do not have to believe me but I am going out". It was hilarious. Kate and I totally took them by surprise!

The Jöhnemark's have a new pet; a monkey!

What would be a visit to the Jöhnemark's without some apple pie?!?

As I was getting my apple pie, I started laughing because I realized Gunilla and Johan were at home thinking Kate and I were riding our bikes around the lake getting some exercise. Lena snapped a photo of Kate and I and sent it to Gunilla saying something about two girls biking!

When we got back to the von Perner's, Kate skyped her family and I got to meet them. Her dad makes the best comments.

Look how happy she looks!

It is true, during exchange you miss your family and friends more around the holidays. Easter isn't as family oriented as Christmas but on Sunday I longed for my family more than I ever have since being in Sweden. Just the whole feeling of making breakfast, getting dressed up, going to church, and relaxing in the sun without them made me realize how much I miss my dad and his famous crepes, my sister helping me pick out my Easter dress, my mom scratching my arm in church, and enjoying the spring weather with my friends.

Summer House

On Wednesday evening, we traveled an hour outside of Stockholm to the von Perner's summer house for a couple of days.

Obviously, we had a fika when we arrived.

The next morning, we ate breakfast then Gunilla and I went to a small store five minutes down the road to pick up some things for the other meals. When we got back, we got ready to work. The goal of the day was to chop up wood from a couple trees they cut down prior to our trip.

Henrik driving the tractor.

Karla, Henrik's girlfriend, came as well!

For lunch, Gunilla made waffles outside.

My mini waffle from the remaining batter.

After lunch, they were some toys that Karla and I drove under Hinrik and Johan's supervision.

Oh look, the nice boyfriend is coming to help...no his is taking a video and dying of laughter.

After goofing around, we got back to work before we had an Easter egg hunt!

My Easter egg!

It was filled with all organic, no added sugar goodies.

For dinner, we all had our duties. Gunilla made the salad, Johan grilled, Henrik made the potatoes, and Karla and I made the fruit salad for dessert.

Friday morning, we woke up early to go on an adventure. Well, a small adventure. We went for a walk on a trail by the water and in the woods. The weather wasn't great outside however, it was still really pretty.

We stopped at local restaurant for brunch.

Johan thought it would be funny to bring bread to the table because I couldn't eat it.
But on Easter, he is going to see if he can go forty days with out bread too!

When we got back to the house, we relaxed. I read my book and honestly, I have no idea what the others did...but my book was really good.

We then colored Easter eggs! I colored the Swedish and American flag on mine!

Johan's old man.

Gunilla's flowers.

Karla's owl.

Henrik's world where it shows the power of the country by it's size so Sweden was way bigger than America.

With our colored Easter eggs, we had an egg competition. The first person threw a small ball, then everyone rolled their eggs down the slope and whoever was the closest to the small ball received five points and whoever was the farthest away received one point.

Gunilla was taking photos with her camera and as she moved in closer to get a shot of the eggs with all our feet, she stepped on Karla's egg and cracked it. Johan said we should deduct points from her roll.


Gunilla came in first place, I came in second, Karla third, Henrik fourth, and Johan last.

The first and second place winners decided to go on a bike ride to the Church.

To end our trip, we played memory on our last night.

The couple days we spent at the summer house were a lot of fun. It was perfect that we went just when I moved in because it was a great bonding time!