Saturday, February 15, 2014

Valentine's Day

It didn't feel like Valentine's Day at school. I saw no girls with flowers or balloons or teddy bears. Thank goodness.

For dinner, the Jöhnemark's and I went over to a family friends house who has a daughter in my class, Madde.

Movie soundtrack game.

Some photos from the week!

Emily and I went to Starbucks (they are starting to open in Sweden).
This is how they spelled my name.
Good try Sweden.

William had an in class English essay.
I helped him practice for it.

It snowed in Clemson...
(Snapchat from the fabulous Taylor Ingram)
Where is the snow in Stockholm????!?

Our Swedish teacher for exchange students, let us have a fika during class!
We are reading a very graphic, creepy book about an eleven year old vampire girl.

Michael and I read Swedish children books!
Daniel and I both agree that when we go over to Michael and Nadia's it is like going to our grandparents house. We eat a lot of food, have little kids running around and sometimes  leave with extra money in our pocket (from Rotary).

Just my favorite people before dinner.

I studied for my math test.
This means going on Khan Academy and learning it in English.

My six months was on Tuesday! Six months!!! 

I booked my return flight! I will arrive home on July 30! Get excited! :)

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