Sunday, February 2, 2014

Täby Gang Weekend

The Täby Gang left Täby and traveled to Mora this weekend!

After school on Friday, we all set out on the four hour drive. Jonas, Lena, William and I packed sandwiches to eat in the car for dinner.

William telling me I can not take a photo of his 'masterpiece'.

I really was not allowed.

In the car.

When we all arrived, the parents sat in the dining room drank wine, ate cheese, and talked about the amazing exchange students. The exchange students and host siblings on the other hand were busy outside in the snow! There was so much snow!!! We decided to go for a walk in the forest. It didn't last long. After we had our fun in the snow we changed out of our wet clothes and chilled in the warmth inside.

Hika, Gayatri, Sam, Louise and I all stayed in one big room! Before going to bed Friday night, we were worried that we would have to sleep with the lights on because we could not find the light switch. We searched for so long until we found it in the most inconvenient spot ever!

Saturday morning we woke up at 7:30, changed into our ski gear, ate breakfast and left for the slopes.

Saturday aka the day of firsts for me.

Lena and William walking from their cabin to breakfast.

Cereal and filmjölk which is pretty much soured milk.


Nils caught me.

My first of the firsts. Paddy and I tried Kalles Kaviar.

We ate it with a piece of bread and a soft boiled egg.

Paddy getting it ready.

Yumm, if that doesn't look good than I do not know what does...

To say the least it was interesting...

Before we left, I took some quick photos of where we stayed. 

Anders's, a host father, sister and her husband own Ryssagarden.
It is like a bed and breakfast.

Daniel and his pink ski pants.
I mean snowboarding pants.

Photo credz to Hika

It took forty-five minutes to get to Orsa Grönklitt, where we skied.


Daniel, obviously ready to shred.

Selfie in William's goggles.

Skiing! My first time down hill! Lena and Jonas were great coaches! They stayed with me the whole time helping me out.

Lena and me

Ski left.

Jonas, Paddy, me, Lena, Sam, Hika, Agneta, Louise and Anders!

We all meet up for lunch.


Paddy, Sam, Gayatri
Victor, William and Hika

Swedish pancakes.
They are my fav.

Jonas left to go cross-country skiing. I was getting tired so Lena and I did one more ran then went to get a fika. We ran into Hika and Anders who were already taking a break. As we were ordering, William and Victor walked in then a couple minutes later Sam and Paddy!

Anders told me to get hot chocolate.
It is a must have while skiing!

I wanted to lay down like this little kid.

Credz to Louise!

Credz to Louise!

Unknowingly, William and I matched. We both had purple and green on. Everyone mentioned it during lunch. William wasn't that happy but I thought it was cute. When we were about to leave I insisted on a photo.

We will try again when we go skiing at the end of the month.

more selfies while waiting for Jonas to come with the car

We got back to the cabin and played in the snow with the parents! We actually played games. We got divided into teams. I was on a team with Hika, Nils, and Maria. The first game was to build a sculpture out of snow in twenty minutes. We could use anything we could find. Our sculpture was a makeshift igloo. After, we had a bob sled race. It was so much fun. BUT William pushed me in the snow. I was covered.

To unthaw ourselves we changed into our bathing suits and went into the sauna. It was my first time in a sauna. This sauna was huge. We all could fit in it. It was so so so so so hot. Oh I tried horse meat; another first! Jonas was walking around the sauna asking everyone if they wanted any. It reminded me of a guy selling peanuts at a baseball game. In the middle of the sauna we ran out and rolled in the snow! Another time, we stood outside to see who could stay the longest. William won.

We showered and changed for dinner! The highlight of dinner for me was when Paddy asked how he was supposed to eat the knäckebröd which is Swedish crisp bread. It is a huge circle and you just break off a piece. He thought you had to take the whole thing. I died laughing because it was such a Newbie question.

I had elk for the first time!

Ice cream, bananas and chocolate.

The results of the snow games were announced. Nils, Maria, Hika, and I came in third place...out of four teams. At least it wasn't last.

We got chocolate!

As Louise, Sam, Hika and I got into bed we dreaded waking up in the morning because we knew we were going to be so sore from skiing!

We woke up at 8:30 for breakfast unable to walk.

Sam drew all the exchange students and siblings in the guest book.

Me, William, Sam, Hika, Louise, Gayatri, Daniel, Patrick, and Victor.

We asked the parents to guess who was who.
They got them all right!

Yummy, kanelbullar (cinnamon rolls).

We all bundled up in warm clothes and laced up our snow boots to go for a walk. 

Not even before we left the driveway I ended up in the snow.

William thinks it is funny to push me in the snow.

Photo credz to Jonas.

Crossing the bridge.

We kinda got distracted by the snow so as the parents went on with the walk us kids stayed behind and played.


Paddy about to throw snow at Sam.

Louise with her snowball!

Watch out!

Photo credz to Louise

Photo credz to Louise

Sam with her massive snowball!

Victor and William chilling.

Snowman time!

Louise, Daniel, and Paddy starting the base.

The parents came back just as we finished! They were so impressed!

All of us!

Photo credz to Louise.

Copy cats.
They think they are funny.

Making our way back.

Victor and William waiting for us with snowballs.

We packed the cars up and drove into town before making our way home.

The finish line for a huge cross-country ski race.

The church

The educational part of the weekend was going to The Zorn Museum and touring the home of the famous artist Anders Zorn.

So dramatic.

Photo credz to Hika

We could not take photos inside of the house but take my word for it; it was beautiful. Louise and I were so shocked because it kept on going and going. It was huge house.

Everyone was hungry so we looked for a place to eat.

However, we found a Dala Horse!







This weekend, I had so much fun creating unforgettable memories. The Täby exchange students are so lucky to have amazing host families. We are so thankful for them showing us Sweden and opening their homes and hearts. <3


  1. What a beautiful weekend!! What wonderful memories you are making! I imagine the skiing was slow due to the amount of snow? How much is a lift ticket? Boot and ski rental?? Love you to Sweden and back??

    1. Aunt Nanci, this weekend was great! One I will never forget! :)
