Saturday, February 22, 2014


I started school at 8:20 with Math class. Half of my class was gone on a ski trip to France so we did not have a lesson. We just played some math games.

Karin took over my camera most of the time!

We played hangman!





After math, we had an assembly where students sang and played instruments. Then I went to my Rotary lunch! Daniel and I go to Rotary twice a month.

I need to work on plating because Daniel's plate looked a lot better than I made him take a photo for me.

 When we were done eating lunch, we made our way upstairs to a conference room.

We always fika. 

The snow started to melt :(

I meet up with Karin, Kelly, Sandra, and Linda because we were going to Kelly's house to bake and sleep over. We went to a grocery store to pick up some things.

In Sweden, you bag your own groceries plus pay extra for the bags you use.

At Kelly's house we baked red velvet cupcakes and macaroons.

For dinner we had chicken salads and garlic bread.

We watched movies, ate our masterpieces, and talked before we went to sleep. Thank you Kelly for the photos of us before bed.

On Sunday, I am heading to Bjorkliden with Jonas, Lena, William, Nils, Agneta, Louise, Hika, and Sam so pretty much just saying that means I am going to have a blast.

Thursday, February 20, 2014


I woke up at 8:00 and checked my phone. I had a Snapchat from my friend Kelly, asking if I was happy with a photo of snow! I jumped right out of bed and opened my window!


I was super excited however when I got outside I longed for the spring!

My first class of the day started at 11:00 and it was Math.

We got out early so we had a long break before our next class. Kelly, Linda, Karin, Sandra, and I went to the computer lab because...I actually have no idea why. I just goofed off as the girls worked. After, we waited outside our classroom for our teacher to arrive. In Sweden, teachers do not have their own classrooms but offices and move from room to room every lesson.

In History class, we watched Black Hawk Down.

"I am going to have to approve that photo."~ Line (Girl reaching her hand out)

My last class of the day was Swedish.

At 2:00, which was during Swedish class, Kate called me. We planned to get together at 4:30 however she said she was already at the train stop by my house...two and half hours early.

Kate and I went to tea time at the Michael and Nadia's house! Their grandkids are in Thailand; so jealous!

Kate and I took turns translating magazine articles.

Kate came back to my house so we could work on our Euro Tour applications! June 26- July 13, I will travel throughout Europe with other exchange students.

Kate stayed for dinner. She is a vegetarian so she made herself a grilled cheese; the Jöhnemarks even had American cheese for her!