Sunday, December 1, 2013

International Thanksgiving

What is better than having Thanksgiving twice and one international with food from different countries? Sam and her host family opened their home to twenty-five exchange students from all around the world to have Thanksgiving. Each student brought something from their home country. It felt like a real Thanksgiving because we our family.

Brooke came over to help me make mashed potatoes and finish her pavlova which is an Australian dessert. No one else was home so when I left to pick her up from the train stop I locked the door. When we returned, we couldn't unlock it. We tired for a good ten minutes before I called Nils and Agneta who were at the store. They told us to try the side door; it worked! I gave Brooke the grand tour of the house and then we were off to the store to get some potatoes. We entered through the side door when we returned which is the laundry room. Brooke went in first then I carrying the potatoes. I almost tripped over some boxes but I caught myself. I exclaimed to Brooke, "I almost just fell!" and BAM. The potatoes went everywhere. So pretty much we had a great start for the International Thanksgiving.

Potatoes everywhere :(

Peeling potatoes!

Mashing potatoes!

Nils preparing left overs; turkey sandwiches.

Brooke and I arrived early to Sam's to help. We wear dresses even though I tried leaving the house in sweats. Both Agneta and Brooke would not let me. Don't they know what Thanksgiving is all about?!?

Sam and her turkey!

Table for twenty-five, please!


The host a little stressed.
then she threw the phone to this McKenzie girl and said to handle it

Everyone brought amazing food!

 Pão de queijo (cheese buns)-- Brazil
Pancakes and maple syrup-- Canada
Stuffing-- USA
Turkey-- USA
Curry-- India
Pasta-- Italy (not pictured)

Mashed potatoes-- USA
Gravy-- USA

Guaraná Antarctica-- Brazil (left)
Julmust-- Sweden (right)

Top left to right
Chocolate Chip Cookies-- USA
Ice Coconut- Australia
Cider-- USA
St. Luca Buns-- Sweden
Bottom left to right
Fairy Bread-- Australia 
Carley's Surprise-- um...
Kladdkaka-- Sweden
Lamington-- Australia
Pavlova-- Australia
Macaroons--Sweden (not pictures but they were perfect and home made)

An interesting Thanksgiving meal.

Carley makes the best faces.

Poppers with stickers and questions about the USA.

Breno and Cherry pulling the poppers.

Reading the questions.

Emelie, who was in Florida last year on exchange, knew the answers to all her questions.

Sam and Carley.

Brooke and I.

Carley and Gabriela.

Sam and Emelie.

Breno and Narain rocking the stickers.

After the meal, the brazilians realized we were eating with silverware from Brazil.

Party Foul! Someone knocked over a pot...well two. 

As usual, Daniel showed up late more like three hours late.

There was no more plates so he had to use a serving plater.

And eat alone.

The turkey hat was a hot item! Thanks Aunt Karen!

Everyone. I am behind Brooke but you can't see me :(

Brooke and I left the party last! On the train Brooke pulled out the poprocks!

I came home to Christmas time at the Leijonhufvud's house!

1 comment:

  1. What a great bunch of photos, looks like all of you had a wonderful time. So glad you post regularly keeping us all informed. Take care.
