Sunday, December 22, 2013

Exchange Student Breakfast Club

The girls from Uppsala came to Stockholm for the night!

Abigail from Colorado and Sierra from Utah eating at Upper Crust!

Christmas market in Old Town!

Everyone came over for dinner; I made hamburgers plus veggie burgers for the two vegetarians. We had a great time, laughing, girl talking (until Daniel arrived) and catching up. We joked around that we were like The Breakfast Club because we are all so different. We have Beth the hippie, Sierra the Mormon, Annalise the jock, Gayatri the quiet girl, Abi the none stop talker, me the southern gal and then Sam who is the rich annoying ghetto asian. We all gave ourself these stereotypes so way to go Sam.

I asked for one good photo ya'll!

I believe this is when I yelled at them!

Thanks ya'll <3

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