Friday, December 13, 2013

St. Lucia Day

St. Lucia Day is celebrated each year on the 13th of December in Sweden. There are numerous Lucia trains taking place in school or around the community. Today, I went to my Rotary Club's Christmas lunch so unfortunately I missed the Lucia train my class attended at school. However that did not stop Daniel and I from seeing one, after lunch we rushed back to my school to sneak into another performance!

Täby Rotary Club

Julbord (Christmas table but meaning Christmas dinner)

First course is a variety of fish (salmon, herring, etc).

Daniel just couldn't contain himself he had to go around the table twice!

My plate!

Second course is the warm dishes (meatballs, sausages, roasted pork ribs, potatoes, etc).

Daniel's plate because he ruined mine by putting cabbage on it which went all over and making it not photo worthy.

Michael only ate a little because he saw the dessert table!

The dessert table!

Daniel and I had to get a little bit of everything!

Christmas blessing.

Rotary gave Daniel and I Christmas gifts. We got winter hats!

After lunch, Michael rushed Daniel and I back to school to catch the Lucia train! We got there a little late so we had to sit in the back at the kid table. It was totally worth it! It was amazing!

Dan rocking my beanie that Rotary got me with Pooh!

Lucia train!

Tonight, Louise and I are skyping my mom and her class, we are going to talk about St. Lucia Day and Sweden with her students. I am super excited!

The sky on my home!

Does this mean winter is over? 
Poor Snowman!

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