Saturday, December 7, 2013

Secret Santa

The Stockholm exchange students (aka Tanner) organized a Secret Santa event. Everyone answered simple questions about themselves so whoever had them could have some ideas of what to get them. I got assigned Stefan from Australia.

These are Stefan's answers.
Now just think about what I could possibly have gotten him.

We all gathered at a cafe in Stockholm to exchange our gifts.

Emily from Canada bringing some Christmas cheer to the event.

Tanner's gift bag.
We put our presents in two grocery bags so we couldn't see the wrapping paper and then we put them in a bigger bag so the whole 'secret' thing could happen.

Sam chilling.

Gabriela and I have the same camera.

Kate knitting. Sometimes we do not understand her but still love her.

Hika excited about Secret Santa.

Andrew opening up the first gift!

Avishkar got a soccer ball!

 Now it is Stefan's turn.

Tanner handing the gift out!

Shaking it to see what it could be!

Getting excited.

Really confused.

I mean he said he liked steak.
Do not worry, there was ice packets inside.

My gift. 
Plus Emily and Mackenzie's reactions as they realized Stefan got a steak.

Emily smelling her socks?

Breno and his shirt from Stefan.

Andrew, you shouldn't take selfies on my camera.

Sam opening her gift and Kate knitting...

Narain and Oliver checking out Narain's necklace.

xoxo, gossip girl

Brooke opening her gift from Sam.

Fox mittens!

After everyone opened their gift and we realized no one could figure out who had who, we went around and said who we had. Stefan was so shocked that I actually got him a steak.

Emily was my secret Santa and she did a great job!
She got me a cake mix, Swedish candy, and a gift card.

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