Friday, November 29, 2013


Happy Turkey Day from Sweden! We had our own little Thanksgiving dinner on Friday night! I said Grace as we held hands and everyone said something they were thankful about. It felt like home.

Louise and I made Pumpkin Pie!

Our amazing crust!

Sweden has some weird can openers.

Ready to bake? Did we forget anything?

Louise modeling our Thanksgiving craft. Thanks Aunt Karen!

Nils was the chef and he made a great American Thanksgiving meal!

Mashed potatoes, gravy and stuffing.

Green beans, salad, and sweet potatoes with marshmallows.

Our Turkey!

Rolls with honey butter!

Nom nom nom!

Pumpkin Pie time!

Wait something is missing...the SUGAR!!!!!!

Louise + McKenzie = Best pumpkin pie bakers ever
I blame the conversions.

A little music after dinner!

And we can never forget about Swedish Candy
plus Candy Corn from America!

On Thursday, the real Thanksgiving, I spent my evening with Michael and his family. Every Thursday now, I go over and have tea with him, his wife and grandchildren. I practice my Swedish with the kids.

As you can see they like the candy more than smiling for the photo!

I also, skyped my family. Keaton showed me all the good food I was missing. I was laughing so hard Mrs. Maureen thought I was crying. Hahahahahahaha, if they only knew!


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