Sunday, December 15, 2013


I invited the girls in my class to come over, decorate cookies, and experience White Elephant.

Linda, Kelly and Sandra came over early to help bake the cookies and get everything ready! It is pitch dark outside however five alcock; it gets dark around 2:30.




This time Louise and I didn't forget the sugar!

Good job Linda ;)

Candy Canes

Linda and Sandra modeling with the Candy Canes.

I have cute friends.

We baked a lot of cookies!

Louise and Agneta did a great job at decorating the tree!

Snacks, julmust (Christmas soda), and a fire!

These girls are truly amazing. I do not know what I would do with out them!

Cooking decorating time!

Belle, Josefine, Sandra, Magda, Line, and Madde


Belle, Josefine, Sandra, Magda, Line, Madde, Louise and Linda

Our fabulous cookies. We didn't even finish decorating all of them there was so manyyyy

White Elephant!

Julklappar (Christmas presents)

"You said a half cup"







I will be bringing some of these back home!

"roligt foto!" wait what?

The only thing that I wish I could have changed was that it would have been snowing. The snow has melted which is really sad because it will probably not be a white Christmas :( The one year I am here!

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