Thursday, November 7, 2013

Tour Guides

Being in Stockholm for more than two months gives Sam and I the title of tour guides. We love hosting fellow exchange students and showing them around our city! :)

Sabrina is from Chicago and lives in Malmberget which is waaaaay north. She is going to freeze to death this winter but that is fine because it means one less Blackhawks fan. Beth is from Placerville, California and lives in Uppsala; she stayed with me for one night before heading over to Sam's house with Sabrina. (I didn't smell...I left for Sara's)

Beth and I made American pancakes for everyone before we went into the city :)

Beth showing off her Hina!

Everyone is super excited for some American food!

Gayatri received a package from India.
Ya'll need to step your game up ;)

Mirror selfie before leaving 

Train ride into Stockholm :)

Beth's first time in a Subway station!

Taste the rainbow!

 More mirror selfies 

Sightseeing with the 'Merica bag

Picnic by the water :)


 Jag älskar Stockholm <3

Sabrina I bought some touristy t-shirts ;)

After we wandered around Stockholm doing all the touristy things, we met up with some other exchange students for dinner. I love meeting new exchange students because we all understand each other even if we have nothing else in common. Look at Sam and I. I mean we are COMPLETE opposites but we can talk for hours and hours about anything and everything. Exchange students have a special bond that we share with no one else <3

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