Saturday, November 9, 2013

Hey, Macklemore! Can we go thrift shopping?

What, what, what, what....

If you don't understand this reference ---->

On Friday, I attended my Rotary meeting and spoke about the district conference. I love my Rotary club because they are all interested in my exchange and ask so many questions. They are truly the best club in Sweden :)

My rotary counselor, Michael Knight, won the raffle! 

After the meeting, I ran home, packed an over night bag, grabbed some popcorn balls and headed to Brooke's house where we made pizza! When I say made pizza, I mean we made the dough and sauce from scratch. I showed off my pizza making skills ;) 

Me, Brooke, and Sam getting ready to make some pizza!

Sam protecting her eyes from the onions.

Brooke admiring my awesome cutting skills.

I am just rolling in dough.

Pizza number one

Pizza number two

Dinner time!

Sam, Brooke, Ellen (Brooke's host sister who was in Australia last year)

Bus ride to Stockholm!

Thrift shopping time!

Go Steelers!!!

Kebab time! 


 We <3 selfies

4:00 a'clock in Stockholm

1 comment:

  1. Great pics and the pizzas looked very good. Glad you are having such a great time.
