Saturday, November 23, 2013

Pepparkakor, American Pancakes, A's, Christmas Time and more Ice-skating

Have I been busy this week? Yes, I have! And I have loved every minute of it :)

On Wednesday night, Gayatri and I made Pepparkakor. Pepparkakor are gingerbread cookies but somehow in Sweden they are so much better.

Never too early to listen to Christmas music. No shame. However, Gayatri did ask me if I had any good music to play. Does she not understand?!?

Sad Note: The five Spaniards in my Swedish for immigrants class last day was Friday. We had Swedish twice a week and I swear they all hated me...or were just annoyed at me trying to speak Spanish with them all the time and if you know me...I can not speak Spanish. But I will miss over hearing their conversations about "La chica americana".

On Thursday afternoon, I went over to Michael's house for tea time with his grandchildren and Daniel. I made American pancakes with the kids. It was fun because they do not know any English so we had to speak Swedish with them. However, when Daniel and I asked the little boy where the restroom was he just looked and laughed at us. ***I swear I know how to ask where the bathroom is in Swedish***

Erik's first American Pancake!

Tea Time

He loved the pancakes but mostly the syrup!

Michael building the fire

Chinese checkers

The little girl was so shy and would not look at us until Daniel befriended her.

Then she would not stop playing and talking with him!

First A in Sweden! This year will count for my Junior year if I pass all my classes!

This was not a group assignment. Kelly, Linda, Sandra, and Karin's names are not in front of mine ;)

After school on Friday, Gayatri, Louise, and I went ice-skating. 

Louise skated for nine years when she was a kid so she was that girl on the ice everyone hated because she could do spins and leaps and cool stuff instead of just  normally skating. Boo her.

Today after representing Rotary Youth Exchange at a Gymnasium convention, I headed back to the ice rink with Brooke. Christmas has started in Stockholm and the lights and trees are up. I love Christmas time but now it just needs to start snowing.

Update on my love life in Sweden: Tonight, I got swept off my feet by a hockey player. No, literally.

Had to add all three. Just look in the background.

Great dinner girls :)

As we were eating this lovely choice of a meal, we heard a family speaking English. We worked up the courage to ask them where they were from because they were definitely not Swedish. I predicted that they were on vacation during Thanksgiving break. Turns out they are from Pennsylvania and have been living in Sweden for three years. Oh, they do not know any Swedish and their children go to an international school and take French as a second language. EVERYONE IN SWEDEN KNOWS ENGLISH. They were so excited that we started talking to them because they have missed that about the USA. Swedes would never randomly go up and start a conversation with stranger. 

The pumpkin was not so happy to see me when I arrived back home :(

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