Monday, September 9, 2013

Tallinn, Estonia

We went on a cruise to Tallinn, Estonia this past weekend! I got to see where Fairy Tales originated!

On the boat!

Exploring Tallinn!

Us girls!
 (Me, Louise, Agneta, and Gayatri)

Nils and I enjoying some sun as the others stay shaded!
(Maybe the last weekend of sunny weather...oh lord help me!!!)


  1. Did you get a smoothy? English table tend!!How is that swedish coming along? Just wondering,

  2. Hi McKenzie, I got your postcard, thanks so much. It looks like you are having a great time and I love all the pics. How are you doing as far as picking up the Swedish language, I know it must be hard. Keep having a great time.

  3. Isn't Tallinn a beautiful city?!?
