Saturday, September 14, 2013

Newbie Night

Exchange students from Australia, New Zealand , and some parts of Brazil normally arrive in Sweden in January meaning when the new exchange students arrive in August half their exchange year is over and they can show the new exchange students the ins and outs. They are called Oldies and the new exchange students are called Newbies. I will become an Oldie when the new Australians, Kiwis, and Brazilians arrive next January.

Our Oldies hosted "Newbie Night", which was a night so the Oldies and Newbies could talk about the upcoming exchange year and just hang out at Breno's house, who is from Brazil.

Top left: Sofia from Italy (Newbie)
Top middle: William from Sweden (Host brother of an Oldie), Andrew from USA (Newbie), Brooke from Australia (Oldie), Cherry from India (Newbie)
Top right: Tanner from USA (Newbie)
Bottom left: Hannah from USA (Newbie)
Bottom middle: William from Sweden (Host brother of an Oldie), Brooke from Australia (Oldie)
Bottom right: Sam from USA (Newbie)

There were twenty plus exchange students and most of them slept over. There was not enough room inside for everyone so we set up five tents! Everyone was a little skeptical about sleeping outside because it is Sweden and Sweden gets a tad cold at night.

However, we were all prepared and brought tons of warm clothes! Guys, remember it is only September!!!

Brooke, Sam and I were tent 'mates'.

We went to bed at 4:00 and woke up at 7:00 when the sun shined into our tent. The few hours we slept were not awful...luckily it did not get as cold as we thought. Sam slept the best out of everyone because she snored all night and tried having conversations with Brooke and I! Us three girls plus Cherry, who slept in another tent, were the first up and we received a couple of death threats from the boys because we were talking too loudly so we went around taking photos of everyone sleeping throughout the house and tents!

When everyone was finally awake and had their photography shoot, Breno's host parents sat out breakfast. We ate outside on the porch.

Toast with topping choices of butter, ham, turkey, cheese, red pepper, honey, and Kalles caviar (I believe no one ate that!!!) plus boiled eggs, tea, and coffee!

The time came to say our goodbyes and head our separate ways...

...however most of our separate ways were to the bus stop.

1 comment:

  1. I just love checking in with your blog! It's incredible the wonderful things you are seeing and experiencing! Dang if my life isn't DULL!!!! Miss seeing you but know you are having the time of your life! Cindy
