Thursday, September 5, 2013


Swedes love the American Flag. I can not go a day with out seeing an American Flag plastered onto someones sweater. I love it! However, I have yet to see a sweater with the Swedish Flag on it and I have been looking because I want one! I want to wear a sweater with their country's flag on it and see if I get any confused looks! Each time I see an American Flag is makes me giggle.

(typical Swedish sweater)

Obama has come and gone in Stockholm, Sweden!!! Plus Air Force One, The Beast (presidential limousine), 40 cars, 29 transport aircrafts, 250 Secret Service, 300 advisors and press, and 150 other staff which includes six doctors with a cooler filled with Obama's blood type and chefs from the White House to declare all food Obama will eat. And to think I am staying a year and only brought one carry on and one 50 pound bag.

Obama arriving in Stockholm

Obama and Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt 


  1. I tried to comment on your Pizza Hut post the other day, but my ipad wasn't cooperating - oh well. You're hilarious Kenzie! It always looks like you're having such a great time!

  2. I am having a blast! The photos you took of last weekend are awesome!

  3. Glad to hear it! We missed you tons, but are all so excited for you. I love being able to read your posts and see your pictures, keep up the great work!

  4. Do you want me to come kenz? I can be part of your staff...haha!! Miss and love you and think about your everyday :)
