Sunday, September 22, 2013

Princess Aakanksha Patel

Aakanksha Patel is an Indian Princess...she just has not told anyone yet. But I am on to her. Name a country and Aakanksha has been there! Her family and her travel the world three months out of the year. This summer they traveled to Sweden and right when they left she found out she would be coming back for a year! Crazy how things happen. When Aakanksha talks about her home back in Pune, Maharashtra, India she gets all excited and talks forever. Us exchange students do not mind because the culture is so different and her stories are amazing.

Cherry (Aakanksha) and I wandered around Stockholm this afternoon.


  1. This is Aakanksha! not for 3 months but one month!

  2. Kenzie, you were made to be in Sweden - your style is absolutely perfect! Love the scarf and leather jacket. (Hope you're keeping warm!!)
