Sunday, September 1, 2013

'Put your T's up!'

'Put your T's up!' is shouted about every five minutes when the Täby Exchange Students get together. Täby has five Exchange Students but we are waiting for the sixth to come in January from Australia or New Zealand. We are going to pick him up from the airport and initiate him into our Täby gang...we are planning to get some hard core tattoos. No, really.

BBQ at a Host Family's summer house. We had fika twice in the afternoon; it's a thing Swedes do quite often!

We played Kubb and Brannboll. Kubb is a lawn game where you knock over wooden blocks by throwing wooden sticks at them. (I think I am going to have to bring a set back home because it reminded me of playing cornhole with my family and friends). Brannboll is kinda like baseball but not really, haha.

All the Host Families and Exchange Students in Täby!