Saturday, May 31, 2014


 The main reason why Madie was in Stockholm was because her dad, Ken, was coming to Sweden! Long story short he was supposed to arrive on Thursday; however, forgot his passport and had to rebook his flight which made him arrive on Friday.

Friday morning, Madie and I woke up, quickly made a sign, ate breakfast, and rushed out the house to get to the train on time.

We went our different ways at the airport, they headed back to Madie's host town as I headed to Michael's for tea time.

At Michael's, I drank a bunch of tea and my belly felt all warm inside which made me sleepy so I took a lovely nap. 

I found some photos of me...

Dinner Out

I met the girls in the city for a dinner filled with laughs on Wednesday night. We ate at the same restaurant from the second day of school before we went to the theater with our class. If you want to go down memory lane, read my blog post "Past Couple of Days" in August. It makes me so happy to read my blog or journal of my early days in Sweden because so much has changed. I have great friends, great family, and a great life that I do not want to leave; everything has come so far.

"The American Way"

With our meal, you could get a extra free side of potatoes so of course we had to do that.

Get that Instagram photo.

Madie, an exchange student from Colorado who lives in Sandviken, arrived in Stockholm that night. We picked her up at the central station, then headed to Kelly's house to watch a movie.

Farthinder--Speed bump
Oh, this photo was taken at 11:30.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

The Blow Out

Last night, I had plans to have a movie night at the Leijonhufvud's house with Paddy, Daniel, Louise, and Sam. However, on my way The Blow Out happened.

Well let's start from the beginning. (photos from my snapchat story)

I needed my bike tires pumped up so I asked Henrik to help me. Johan saw Henrik use the hand pump so got his electric pump out. When they finished, Johan started gloating over that fact that he pumped up the back tire in seconds compared to Henrik's time with the front. 

Thanks to the boys I was on my way to the movie night.

BAM! All of a sudden my back tire blew out! I wonder who pumped that one up?

I called Johan and he came to my rescue...

...with another bike.

But because the tire was so bad he had to call Henrik for back up but Henrik being Henrik did not answer. That next best option was to ask the guy watering plants for a knife.

And then finally I was off to the movie night.

American Apple Pies

Daniel and I kicked butt in the kitchen the other night as we made American apple pies for our Rotary Club.

Henrik, you should be a photographer.

With our club president.

Japanese Tea Time

Hika joined tea time this Thursday and taught us origami.



Crane, boat, strawberry, and flower.

We made origami hats then we got to try on real hats for our big tea party next month.

Daniel likes his snapback more.

Hika, Daniel and I made our way to the Johnemark's house so we could jump on the trampoline!

"We're good. We're good. We're good. Relax." - Daniel

I was wearing new sandals that killed my feet so Jonas let me borrow 
some tennis shoes to walk home in.

Last Swedish For Immigrants Lesson

To celebrate the end of our SFI class, we had a fika during our last lesson.

Thanking the best teacher for a great year.

Japanese snacks.

Red Solo cups.

Where has the year gone?