Monday, March 31, 2014

Sunday Funday

Hika came over on Sunday to jump on the trampoline. My house is now the cool house!

 It was Hika's first time on a trampoline!

Unfortunately, I had to tell Hika what her shirt meant...
"Thumbs up!"

After, we headed over to Hika's house, she and Sam are now staying with the Leijonhufvud's. We watched movies and chilled!

Louise, Nils, and Agneta were very shocked when I told them I ate surströmming!

On April 11th, I will move to my last and final host family. It is sad to think about it because I will be leaving the Jöhnemark's plus after this move there is no other move expect THE MOVE.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Belgium: Day Five

Hockey and Surströmming

Daniel and I's Rotary Club president, Maj, invited us to a hockey game and dinner with her and her husband.

Maj and her husband took us to a private dinner party for surströmming which is fermented herring. Usually, surströmming is eaten outside because of the overwhelming odor. Daniel and I were very nervous to try this Swedish traditions and when we walked into the restaurant our nervousness went to a whole new level.

What is a Swedish dinner party without singing?

To my family members who call me a "Picky Eater"...
yeah that isn't going to work anymore--->

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Spring Is Finally Here Picnic

Hannah Wenzel, a fellow exchange student in Sweden, had a great idea to have a picnic to celebrate the return of the sun and SPRING! 

I made PB&J's.

It was a beautiful day in Sweden! Every Swede was out and about in the city (still with light jackets on). It was only around 60 degrees this afternoon but believe me we were all happy with that!

Hamish and his two pavlovas plus Andrew!

When I pulled out the PB&J's all the American's got super excited!

Madie and Hannah admiring the PB&J's.

Tanner, where the Swedish boys at?!

Photo credz to Sam.
 I look extremely mad here but I wasn't! I swear!

Yes, that is milk.

Moose snacks!

Josh about to try them!

Anzac biscuits!

Photo credz to Sam.

Andrew smashed the pavlova in his choice.

'Magic Mirror, on the wall, who is the fairest one of all?'

Twice, I had someone come up to me and comment on Daniel's "awesome" outfit????


Unfortunately, Daniel and I had to leave early because we meet our Rotary president and husband for a hockey game and dinner! (blog post soon to come!)


Fredagsmys comes from two Swedish words; "fredag" which means Friday and "mys" which means cozy so pretty much it means Cozy Friday. At best it is evening filled with family, friends, and good food.

William gaming before dinner.

Daniel went to Turkey last weekend and brought back Turkish Delights for us to try!

Jonas and his apple pie!

What is Fredagsmys without apple pie???

After dinner, we watched Captain Phillips, it was a great movie! Even though I was super tired I made myself stay awake to see the ending!