Monday, October 7, 2013

West Coast!

Whoa, I had such a long weekend filled with so much fun and beautiful sights. Nils, Agneta, Gayatri, Sam and I headed to the Leijonhufvud's summer house in Hunnebostrand on the West Coast. It is a five hour drive from Täby to Hunnebostrand and from Hunnebostrand it is an hour drive to Svinesund Bridge, the bridge connecting Sweden and Norway, so we took a day trip!


Kalles Kaviar slide! Most funny moment of the weekend.



Sam and her stupidity trying to climb rocks in Norway as you can see I am not amused.

Technically, we went to Norway twice because we walked back over to take a photo with this sign ;)

Before we left for Norway, Sam and I made American breakfast.

Pancakes and eggs!

Talking about breakfast...
Yogurt in Sweden is so much better then yogurt back home! And I have no idea why...

During this weekend, we saw a lot of sights of the West Coast. It is so different from Stockholm. 

View of the Archipelagos

Venturing to find the best spot to watch the sunset!


Sunset times two! When we got home the sun was still setting so Sam and I climbed to see it again! It got dark so Nils had to come save us! 
(Don't mind our timer photo...)

Crabbing on the morning of our last day!

Hey Mom and Dad!
(3747 miles)

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