Wednesday, October 9, 2013


Today, instead of school we had Orientering (running into the woods using a map and compass to navigate from one point to another). However, we did it a little different. Every group received a clipboard with a list of things they had to complete. At the end, we navigated through the woods, answering questions at each point.

Boil water:
Took a little while to figure out how to put together the stove.

Build a stretcher:
It was hilarious to carry Linda; I swear we were going to drop her!

Top photo is of a different group from my class

Build a fire:
We had to use an axe to chop up some fire wood...we had no idea what we were doing however we got a small fire going in less than ten minutes :)

Navigating the woods:

Fall has officially arrived in Täby, Sweden.

Big shout out to my group members; Kelly, Sandra, Linda, and Karin. Since the first day of school they have always been there for me, answering my questions, correcting my Swedish, navigating me through Täby, helping me understand what is going on during class and making me want to work harder on my Swedish so I can actually understand what they are saying when they rapidly talk during lunch. Ya'll are the best :)

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