Tuesday, October 29, 2013

American Pancakes and Miyeon

Cherry and Miyeon, an exchange student from South Korea, slept over after Gayatri's birthday and in the morning I made them American Pancakes. They loved them!

Miyeon lives in Sigtuna so she stayed the afternoon and I showed her around Täby also we went into the city to meet up with some other exchange students.

Walking around Täby after breakfast!

Stockholm :)

Gayatri's Sweet Sixteen

Gayatri's sixteenth birthday was Monday. We celebrated it twice however it still did not add up to her celebrating it every month in India. Yes, every month on the 28th she would get a party. On Sunday, we had a family dinner and on Monday we had another with Gayatri's friends. Gayatri and Cherry cooked an Indian meal; it was very spicy! Plus we got two desserts :) One Indian and one Swedish

Sunday, October 27, 2013

District Conference

The Exchange Students took part in the District Conference. We had fifteen minutes to promote the Rotary Youth Exchange program. Gayatri danced a traditional Indian dance and some of us told funny cultural stories that has happened so far on exchange! It was a blast seeing everyone again and catching up!

Friday, October 25, 2013

PLL Night

Pretty Little Liars is a show I watched back home every Tuesday night with my sister and my friends. Ironically, my friends in Sweden love the show as well so I invited them over to watch the Halloween special and eat an American meal. We made Kraft Mac and Cheese and PB&J's; they had never had either so I was excited to see how they liked them. First we made our PB&J's. It was so funny when they asked how to make a PB&J and told me to go first so they could watch. When we stirred the "cheese" or the neon orange powder and the noodles together to make the mac and cheese everyone pulled out their phones to take photos of this strange meal they had only seen in movies. During PLL, we ate American candy and popcorn balls.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Indian/American Dinner Party

Tips to tackle your next Swedish dinner party:

1) Do not arrive early...not even be a minute. If the party starts at 19:00 show up between 19:00-19:15.

2) Bring a flower arrangement for the host and hostess.

3) At the door take your shoes off and hang your coat up.

2) Do not sit next to your partner. The whole point of a dinner party is to meet new people. Wise words from Agneta: "I have nothing to say to Nils so it would just be boring."

3)Do not sit until the host and hostess have showed you where. The setting at a dinner party is very important so the host and hostess probably have already discussed where everyone should sit.

4) The male guest sitting to the right of the hostess at the end of the meal always makes speech thanking the host and hostess for the dinner. Agneta was sneaky and purposely placed Daniel to the right of her. The whole dinner Daniel had no idea he would have to say something at the end!

5) Never take a sip of your drink before a the host or hostess have made a toast.

6) Skål. Swedes like to toast, a lot. Make sure you turn to everyone, have steady eye contact with them for half a second, take sip, and then look at everyone again... just to make sure they are still there.

7) Silverware placement is a must to know. If you are still eating but pause, leave your knife and fork on an angle such as the hands of a clock at 3:40. When you have finished your meal, move your
silverware to a 4:25 angle. Plus, look for a spoon above the plate because that means dessert!

8) Eat everything that is served even if it is just a taste.

9) Stay late, listen to Spotify, chat, and just enjoy each others company!

Follow the fire!

Preparation and Decoration

American Food: Shrimp and grits, chips, pb&j's, pulled pork, and tuna fish.
Indian Food: Daal Fry, kadai chicken, naan, and cummin fried rice.
Dessert: Apple-pecan cobbler and Ben and Jerry's ice cream.

Saturday, October 12, 2013


Before today, I had never been to an Ikea. So what is better than having your first Ikea experience at the one that started it all?!? And playing Hide and Go Seek in it? Ikea is super big and overwhelming so we only played one round because it took over an hour to find everyone. However, that one hour was a blast :) 

Swedish meatballs, yum!

"Darling, I don't know how to tell you this, but there's a Chinese family in our bathroom."

Friday, October 11, 2013


Just another typical Friday night with a bunch of Exchange Students wandering about their city.

Sofia speaks Italian, English, and Spanish plus she is currently learning Swedish. However, she bought a book in French...

Sam and I trying to take a functional friendship photo.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013


Today, instead of school we had Orientering (running into the woods using a map and compass to navigate from one point to another). However, we did it a little different. Every group received a clipboard with a list of things they had to complete. At the end, we navigated through the woods, answering questions at each point.

Boil water:
Took a little while to figure out how to put together the stove.

Build a stretcher:
It was hilarious to carry Linda; I swear we were going to drop her!

Top photo is of a different group from my class

Build a fire:
We had to use an axe to chop up some fire wood...we had no idea what we were doing however we got a small fire going in less than ten minutes :)

Navigating the woods:

Fall has officially arrived in Täby, Sweden.

Big shout out to my group members; Kelly, Sandra, Linda, and Karin. Since the first day of school they have always been there for me, answering my questions, correcting my Swedish, navigating me through Täby, helping me understand what is going on during class and making me want to work harder on my Swedish so I can actually understand what they are saying when they rapidly talk during lunch. Ya'll are the best :)

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Min Klass


Isabelle, Johan, Gustav, Gabriel, Victor, Stefan, Linus, Nathan, Gabriella
Tove, Louise, Ludde, Axel, Markus, Tom, Edvin, Line, Ludvig, Lars
Sandra, me, Andreas, Shahin, Karin, Kelly, Gustav, Amanda, Jenny
Louis, Andro, Madeleine, Linda, Magdalena, Josefine

I just remembered everyone's name. Moment of silence please.

Monday, October 7, 2013

West Coast!

Whoa, I had such a long weekend filled with so much fun and beautiful sights. Nils, Agneta, Gayatri, Sam and I headed to the Leijonhufvud's summer house in Hunnebostrand on the West Coast. It is a five hour drive from Täby to Hunnebostrand and from Hunnebostrand it is an hour drive to Svinesund Bridge, the bridge connecting Sweden and Norway, so we took a day trip!


Kalles Kaviar slide! Most funny moment of the weekend.



Sam and her stupidity trying to climb rocks in Norway as you can see I am not amused.

Technically, we went to Norway twice because we walked back over to take a photo with this sign ;)

Before we left for Norway, Sam and I made American breakfast.

Pancakes and eggs!

Talking about breakfast...
Yogurt in Sweden is so much better then yogurt back home! And I have no idea why...

During this weekend, we saw a lot of sights of the West Coast. It is so different from Stockholm. 

View of the Archipelagos

Venturing to find the best spot to watch the sunset!


Sunset times two! When we got home the sun was still setting so Sam and I climbed to see it again! It got dark so Nils had to come save us! 
(Don't mind our timer photo...)

Crabbing on the morning of our last day!

Hey Mom and Dad!
(3747 miles)