Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Last Day of Summer

However, today was Gayatri's first day of school. This morning Louise and I escorted her to Tibble; we ended up staying for the assembly. The principle had a very long speech about the school and the upcoming school year but I did not understand anything!! It went over my head so I just stared and clapped when everyone else did.

After Louise and I biked home, I made my way to the bus stop. I met Sam, a girl from Florida, at Täby Centrum so we could shop for first day of school outfits. We hit up H&M, which is a swedish brand store and then rode the train into Stockholm where we had fika, a coffee break/hangout, with Cherry, a girl from India and Daniel,a boy from Texas.

Daniel, Sam, and I rode the train back to my house because my host family hosted a fika for all the host parents in Täby. They discussed how we are changing families this year as us exchange students sat upstairs and watched youtube videos. I put on a video of Jimmy Fallon and Justin Bieber and Hikaru, a girl from Japan, freaked. I mean she was bouncing of the walls with excitement; little did I know she has Bieber Fever pretty bad so when I told her he is coming to Stockholm in April almost cried! She is just too cute!

The parents talked everything over and we are switching families three times this year. I am excited about this because just like every where else, every family is different so I get to experience three different types of Swedish life.

By far, the best last day of summer!


  1. Z, have a wonderful first day of school. Please be sure to take a picture, we don't want to do what I had to do last year. Believe me, I can get it done.
    Miss you and love you, Dad

  2. I'm trying this for the first time Kenzie...So excited to hear about your first day of school and love the pic. This year we got a 2nd day of school pic of Keaton. I guess we are slackers now. Love you!
