Monday, August 12, 2013

Day 2

I slept through the night waking up occasionally. Yay! I think I am getting used to the time difference!

For breakfast I had vanilla yogurt with blueberries. Then Agneta and I left to go get my visa card. However, when we got there we found out we had to have an appointment (the website said nothing about this!). We booked one for 2:30. It was too long of a wait so we left and ran some errands. Agneta and I went back home to eat lunch with Louise and Gayatri. We had an open sandwich with butter and cheese. Louise needed to go to H&M to get a shirt so we all tagged along. Täby has one of the largest malls in Sweden!

At 1:45, Agneta and I left again to get my visa. Agneta had to give her name and address because the card will be mailed to us in about two weeks. The Leijonhufvud's have an old Swedish name which means lion head. Today, Swedes would spell lion head, lejonhuvud. The lady helping us got very confused.

Later that night, we went to a welcome/goodbye party. The goodbye part was for this Swedish boy who is going to Utah, named Oscar. Oscar is living in Salt Lake City where Louise lived when she want on exchange. The welcome part was for Daniel from Houston, Texas. He is living with Oscar's family and we have the same sponsoring Rotary Club here. We sat outside and the temperature dropped down to 60 degrees so we wrapped up in blankets and turned on a heater...winter is going to be freezing!!!

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