Monday, August 19, 2013

Language Camp

I went to language camp with thirteen other exchange students from two different districts around Stockholm; Samanth-USA, Kate-USA, Sierra-USA, Abi-USA, Annalise-USA, Daniel-USA, Ryan-USA, Mi Yeon-Korea, Hikaru-Japan, Dave-Canada, Aakanksha-India, Gayatri-India. It was a lot of fun getting to know all the exchange students. I had a blast staying up all night laughing, trying to Geocache, getting lost, eating Swedish candy, waking up at 6:30 to go exploring, having class outside, and making unforgettable memories. However, I did not like being called the Southerner! 'Ya'll' is not a bad thing!

Getting off on the wrong bus stop!
A host father came to rescue us!
Swedish Candy
Main house
Failing at Geocache
Lesson outside

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