Wednesday, August 21, 2013

First Day

Today, I started school. It was strange not walking into Beaufort Academy, the school I have gone to all my life, and very intimidating not knowing any teaches or students. However, Tibble did a great job making me feel at home. I was given two guides for the year; I do not think they know what they are in for...I am going to need a lot of guiding.

In Sweden, high school is divided into programs and the courses students take depends on their program. I am in the Economy program.

I met with the counselor to go over my schedule.

10:00-11:20 English (Yes, an English class. I will be reading books in English and writing papers in English. I better be top of the class or something is wrong!)
11:20-11:55 Lunch (During lunch, students can eat off campus at Täby Centrum)
12:00-13:25 Economics


10:00-10:55 Math
11:00-11:35 Lunch
12:05-13:20 English
13:35-15:00 Economics


10:00-11:25 Physical Education
12:20-12:55 Lunch
13:30-14:55 Swedish


11:15-12:00 Math
12:25-13:35 Science


8:20-9:30 Math
10:00-10:45 Mentoring or Samling (it switches every week. Mentoring is like study hall where you can get help from teachers and Samling is when everyone goes to the theater and bands made up of students perform.)
10:50-11:25 Lunch
11:45-13:00 Swedish
13:10-14:30 Science

Today in school, my class which is made up of 34 students (the same amount of kids in my grade last year at BA) went bowling. It was a blast getting to know the girls and learn some new Swedish words and phases.

Oh there you go dad, a photo of me before school.


  1. Classes don't start until 10:00 ???? How nice would that be !!!! And I actually think you should teach your English Class :) BTW...Coach Huff got a new Puppy yesterday. No name yet, but if you want to throw one in the pot let me know. It is a Golden Retriever. I said her name should be Ally. Have a great day! Love you XOXOXOXOXOXO
