Sunday, August 11, 2013

First Day

I am safely in Täby, Sweden. Nils (host pappa), Agneta (host mamma), Louise (host syster) , Gayatri (host syster from India), and Claes (host bror going to  America) greeted me at the gate. It was amazing finally getting to see everyone. They had a sign with my name on it, American flags, and Swedish Flags.

The flight to Sweden was long. However, I sat next to a young woman in her late twenties who let me ask her questions about Sweden. She gave me some great advice, "There is no such thing as bad weather only bad clothes". As we talked other passengers would chime in with their own advice.

After the Leijonhufvud's welcomed me at the airport in Stockholm; we had an hour drive to Täby. When we arrived, I got the grand tour of the house and then we had breakfast. Breakfast was an open sandwich; two whole wheat slices of bread with butter and ham.

Claes going away party was last night. It was American themed. Nils grilled burgers and we used American Flag napkins. Unfortunately, I was way to tired to stay up and headed to bed at 6:30!

Also, during the afternoon, Louise and Agneta showed me around Täby. We went to Tibble Gymnasium my new school.

Major Difference: People walk everywhere! Or take the train or bus

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you are off to a great start! Hang in there & learn as much Swedish & CULTURE as you can. It will change your life forever for the better.

    Mr. Hunt
