Friday, July 25, 2014

Euro Tour (Part Four)

And then the tour began to end.

We traveled back to Germany for our last 'official' night together; however, we stopped in Belgium for the afternoon.

You can never go wrong with waffles for lunch.

Dan being the smart ass he is and mimicking Marco.

For our last night, we booked a conference room at the hotel we were staying at for a final performance. 

Thank you! Y'all were the best chaperones 
and think, no one got sent home!
That is a plus...
and a surprise. 

"Group hug with Marco!!"

Daniel, teaching everyone Aussie slang.

Milo juggling.

Shane, Narain, and Mackenzie reading "My Humps".

Pablo, Sam, and Ly, aka, the Floridians, playing a game with the crazy headlines of Florida news.

The Canadians teaching us their slang.

The Japanese girls teaching us similar words in Japanese and English.

I performed a dance with a bunch a girls from the movie "Pitch Perfect". 

Also, we all got into our country groups, sang a national song, and then said together, "We are one but we are many. And from all the lands on Earth we come. We share a dream and sing with one voice. I am, you are, we are exchange students.

We woke up bright and early to make our way back to Sweden.

Taking a ferry to Denmark.

Above, I called our night in Germany our last 'official' night together because just like how we started, we ended. Many exchange students booked a room at the hotel in Malmö, so we were together for one more night. Can we talk about how excited we were to finally be back in our country, Sweden. We could drink the tap water and understand what people were saying.

For dinner, Abi, Mads, Hannah and I wanted Thai food. We came across a Thai buffet so we sent Mads and Hannah in to get two orders for the four of us. We might have cheated the system but we are exchange students, plus we had more than enough food.

The next morning was a hard one filled with many goodbyes.

The Stockholm Oldies final bow.

The goodbyes.

Words can not express how amazing Euro Tour was. I made unforgettable memories with great friends in the short three weeks we traveled around Europe together. I wish I could do it all over again.

Izzy, you had one job, one job.


Monday, July 21, 2014

Euro Tour (Part Three)

Ni**as In Paris--Theme Song

First thing first, French dinner.

Bronte and Madie steal my heart <3

Where is it???!

I thought I had a good seat for it...

...well, I did have a good seat which people noticed so they started sitting on me.

There it is!!!

Look at that rainbow!

After having a quick tour of the city, we made our way to the hotel and then left to explore some more of it on our own.

I tried, Paddy, I tried.

When in France, eat crapes, right?

The next day, we found ourselves back at the Eiffel Tower.

Benji, the French man.

You can say we are friends.

Paddy and I upset over the weather in Paris.

The boys playing soccer outside the hotel.

Bronte and I's selfie.

After dinner, Bronte, Madie, Hannah and I climbed up to the roof of our hotel to see what kind of view we had.

The following day, we woke up bright and early to get in line for the Catacombs.

Hannah the crippled got stuck in the elevator. 

Steve and Marco <3

We waited for a good three hours in the rain. However, it went by fast because we made some American friends from Texas. I heard their Southern accents and just had to go up to them!

Fine by me.

The Catacombs were really cool and the human bones kept going on and on, actually, it was more creepy than cool. I was happy when we got out.

For lunch, we stumbled across an Australian restaurant and had to try it.

The Australians feeling at home.

Taine with her kangaroo.
I tried it, it was different.

Bronte and I's Australian bruger.

More adventuring in the city we call Paris.

Notre Dame

Love lock bridge.

McKenzie, Sweden, 2014, RYE

The Louvre.

The Sexiest Paper on Earth.

"Okay, we are done Mads."

For our last meal in Paris, we dined in a nice restaurant which meant we all dressed in our finest clothes.

We are attractive people.

As it was our last evening in Paris and Abraham being the gentlemen he is, he bought all the girl roses.

Sorry boys, he just out did you all.

"All women deserve to be treated like a queen, they deserve nothing but the best." -Abraham 

That night, we took a trip to see the Eiffel Tower light up. As we approached it, it began to sparkle.

Then we went up it. It was late so we could only go up half way.

Back at the hotel, pretty much everyone went up to the roof right before two so we could see the tower sparkle one last time.