My mom, Aunt Nanci, and Aunt Carol arrived to Sweden on Thursday, June 12th. Johan and I picked them at the airport. I was very excited but right when their flight landed, I asked if we could go home without them because I got nervous. However, that feeling left me when I saw my mom after ten months!
Michael and Nadia Knight hosted a tea party for my mother, aunts, host families, and friends. It was lovely even if it was a little rainy.
These people will always have my heart!
"I think I made a mistake..."-Daniel
The tea party was great. On the other hand, the ending was awful because I had to say goodbye to Karin.
"Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happened." -Dr. Seuss
The Z sisters and I went back to the hotel for the night for a relaxing evening. I stayed in my mom's hotel room so we could catch up and we had a lot to catch up!
At breakfast. What did I get myself into???
My teacher, Lars.
Tibble's train station.
We made a stop at the 'rainbow' subway station.
Our first stop in the city was the Kaknäs Tower, that looks out over the city. You can actually see Täby.
Nanc, is asleep, shhh!
That night, we ate dinner at the Von Perner's house. I did not take any photos; sorry. I am trying to get ahold of the ones my Aunt Nanci took!
The next morning, we made our way to the Royal Palace museums, we made it just in time to watch the changing of the guard.
My mom made a friend.
He is from Charleston and will attend Clemson in the fall.
For lunch, we ate a Thai restaurant.
We met up with some other exchange students at Cafe Dox.
The Leijohnhufvud's had us over for dinner, the meal was a surprise for the Z sisters.
Deciding on the snaps, Swedish shots.
Paddy and Hamish!
About to eat REINDEER!
My favorite dessert eva.
My mom commented on the fact that I take a lot of photos. Hamish agreed but added, "We will all thank her one day!". Yeah, that's right.
Coffee time.
Day Three!
Really, what did I get myself into??
Everyone's favorite museum was The Vasa. It was amazing.
My mom trying a chocolate ball.
Madie was in Stockholm and joined us during lunch.
Aunt Carol got herself some ice cream!
For the last dinner in Sweden, the Z sisters dined with the Jöhnemark's.
I had a unforgettable time with these ladies! I am so incredibly happy they got to see where I have been living for the past ten months and meet everyone who is about of my life in Sweden. Yes, I did get annoyed with them some of the times; however, I would not change anything about their trip.
Catching up after some very busy days and I just love all your photos of your Mom's visit.