Sunday, January 5, 2014

Room Tour # 2

I moved in with my second host family. 

Yes, I moved. 

Yes, time is going by way too fast. 

Yes, my halfway mark is January 30th. 

Yes, I want to cry.

Photos of my friends and the lovely book my sister made me full of letters 
from my amazing family and friends.
Oh plus Screech!

My friends here will ask me two things:
 "Is that your mom?" 
No, just Mrs. Maureen..well never mind actually yeah.
"Is that your boyfriend?"

My new host family, The Jöhnemark's, are amazing! I now have a fourteen year old brother, William. The eldest son, Oskar, is on exchange in Utah. Lena and Jonas are excited to have a daughter and I am looking forward to having them as parents!


  1. McKenzie I love that they think i'm your mom and that Keaton is your boyfriend.....and I love even more your answer (well to me being your mom). I love you girl!!

    1. My friends came over and actually thought you were one of our teachers at Tibble! :) I love you!
